Credit St. Augustine Distillery

Creative distilling

2 min readMar 5, 2018

To develop a great brand you must first find the brand’s opportunity. This may take the form of a unique insight, gap in the market or a challenge to the established, whatever it is it must be inspiring and it must be communicated.

Defining and developing a brand’s opportunity is a bit like making rum, you source your ingredients i.e. molasses, yeast, process, down to the barrel you age it in, you ferment and distil down in the still and then you age (or not) or blend or infuse — the more you plan for the long term for the greater the result.

The key to building your opportunity is to inspire CREATIVITY — an insight or observation without a creative slant in the brief is bound for mediocracy and sometimes this is forgotten — so eager are we to find a ‘unicorn’ insight.

I recently read a piece that refers to a perspective from Martin Wiegel’s and one point really stuck; ‘When did an insight unearthed and authored by a planner ever hold a candle to the examination of the human condition offered up say, by Chaucer or Dickens?’. And it’s true, insights are not normally ’unicorns’, and again shows why creativity and opportunity are so paramount — what is the reason for the brand and why should anyone care?

We at Molasses work on our brand strategies together, ensuring the defining space has a true creative connection and therefore opportunity behind it — call this a core idea, springboard or whatever you like. The aim is to create a brand that truly connects.

Distilling is creative — it depends on what you put in, there is literally no detail that doesn’t affect the end product. Success depends on experience, expertise, craft and vision — as well as a bit of luck.

We are called Molasses because as an ingredient it helps to make something great.

Have you truly considered your ingredients?

Remember that your brand and brand communications are what your customer and consumer get behind, it helps them understand who you are and why they should give a shit — ultimately it makes them buy your — rum, service, product.

Give us a shout to discuss how we can add something for you and your brand.




A brand design consultancy based in Sydney driven by bold simplicity — we help brands find their voice and stand out in this cluttered world.